Kalle Järvenpää
Olli Ketonen


The Pulse of Tripla

The Pulse of Tripla offers an audiovisual experience demonstrating cyclic changes in air quality in the Mall of Tripla. A 24-hour clock plots different indicators of air quality whilst simultaneously converting their values into music. The data sculpture was publicly exhibited in Mall of Tripla from April to September 2021 on Kulttuuriaukio Square, next to Pasila train station, Helsinki.

The installation activates by movement: the visitor can use and play it by moving closer and farther. The information is displayed both as colors on a ring screen and as sounds. Cyclicality is emphasized: lunch time and the end of working hours are clearly visible as spikes.

The work utilizes indoor air measurement data from the Mall of Tripla compiled using the MegaSense platform developed by the University of Helsinki. The sensors for measuring air quality use the 5G network and were installed in the Mall of Tripla in collaboration with the City of Helsinki, Mall of Tripla, YIT and Telia. They collected data on indoor air quality, sound pressure and people flow from June to September 2020.

The Pulse of Tripla was created by Kalle Järvenpää (physical design and construction) and Olli Ketonen (programming and audio design), with help and tutoring from Professor Rupesh Vyas, Academy Research Fellow Koray Tahiroğlu and Research Assistant Nikola Cerioli.



Rupesh Vyas
Koray Tahiroğlu
Nikola Cerioli


Mall of Tripla
City of Helsinki
University of Helsinki


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