Adina Renner


Wall of Silence

“Wall of Silence” reflects on the systemic conditions that allowed for the sexual abuse of 265 young gymnasts at the hands of their physician, Larry Nassar. While media coverage has focused mainly on the victims and their heroic act of coming forward, a methodical reckoning of the  network that enabled Nassar’s abuse is still amiss. This network and its actors are the focus of “Wall of Silence”.  By turning a manually compiled dataset into text and interactive visualizations, the project employs information  design to reveal patterns that are common for systematic enablement. As a post-analysis, it hopes to encourage the faster recognition of an abusive system.

Design, Text & Code

Adina Renner


Aalto University,
MA Studies,
Information Design


Mamdooh Afdile
Jonatan Hildén
Lily Díaz-Kommonen
Khalil Klouche
Juuso Koponen
Rupesh Vyas

Thank you

Joël Gähwiler
Lucinda Renner





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